We define flow as a positive mindset whose main characteristics imply absorption and deep involvement in the current task. According to research, this mindset leads to personal growth, well-being and optimal functioning of the individual.
The state of flow that we experience during the execution of certain tasks, such as when we dance, play an instrument or in general, we are in a creative process, directly influences the activities that we seek and develop in the long term. That is to say, it is one of the main components in intrinsic motivation, and therefore it acts as a constant reinforcing stimulus.
Flow is therefore very important in predicting whether an artist will be able to persevere despite obstacles in her career. It is also a signal for artists that if this state of flow is not felt, they may give up in difficult moments, find yourself creatively stuck, or just not to enjoy their work. Thus, if the activity we carry out is perceived as an opportunity to experience flow, while it is in accordance with our values and significant goals, it will be more likely that we will try to recreate and cultivate it, thus dedicating more time to it, and having an impact on a increased productivity and well-being.
A performing artist needs more than just talent. Commitment and deliberate effort is essential for the development of a long, fruitful, and enjoyable career. This commitment and effort is increased by both extrinsic and intrinsic motivations. Extrinsic motivations cannot be controlled, intrinsic motivation on the contrary, it is possible to ensure that our practice always maintains activities that facilitate a state of flow.
But what kind of activity produces this experience of flow? Well, it has to be an activity where there is a balance between the challenge and the ability to do it. Thus, there is a provocation to do something that we feel capable of doing but at the same time it causes us an excitement due to its difficulty, novelty or daring.
How can I know that I am in a state of flow? There are several indicators, one or all may occur at the same time:
The first has to do, as we said before, with the balance between challenge-skill. Feeling capable of coping with the demands of the situation.
Do the activity spontaneously, without having to think or predict what is going to be done
Have a clear goal
Have constant and immediate feedback, that is, knowing how well we are doing the activity while we are doing it. This is a meta-cognitive capacity that we will talk about another time.
Be completely focused on what is being done
Not worrying about what others are thinking about what we are doing
Feeling in control of what one is doing
Time transformation, that is, feeling that time passes differently
Feel the activity as a highly rewarding experience
In conclusion, performing artists need to activate states of flow to optimally develop the creative process and we have to deliberately look for situations and conditions necessary for this to happen.
Corinna Peifer, & Stefan Engeser. (2020). Advances in Flow Research: Vol. Second edition. Springer.